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Indacochea & Asociados

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Clauses and abusive commercial practices in pre-sale contracts for real estate

Supreme Decree No. 4732 (hereinafter, the "Decree 4732") and its regulation were issued by the National Government.

What factors to consider when creating a brand?

When developing a venture, the entrepreneur or partners are faced with the need to develop an image, a phrase or a combination of both, which allows the client or consumer to identify the values and quality of the product or service offered by the venture.

Indacochea & Asociados once again expands its borders to provide a global service to its clients.

We have entered into a strategic alliance with the independent firm Andersen Global.

The Fintech Overview.

We understand Fintech as the use of technology to offer financial products and/or services either through mobile applications and/or web platforms.

Draft Amendent to Law N° 843 (Digital Services).

According to a report by ASFI between 2016 and 2020 the purchase of digital services such as Netflix, YouTube and Google, rose by 56%.

The Migratory Statute of the Andean Community enters into force with provisions for the Temporary and Permanent Residency of Member Nations.

On May 12, the Andean Community countries decided to approve the Andean Migratory Statute, which regulates the community right of movement and establishes temporary and permanent residence for Andean citizens and their families, as well as permanent extra-community residents in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

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