Dolly Salazar P.

Tax & Customs Law Expert

Areas of Expertise:

Tax Law

Dolly Salazar provides expert legal advice in defending appeals or contentious claims against Determinative, Sanctioning, and Administrative Resolutions. She also handles Constitutional Appeals filed by the Tax Administration, ensuring robust legal representation for her clients.

Foreign Trade and Customs

Dolly advises clients on the interpretation and application of customs regulations. Her expertise includes managing procedures, optimizing commercial operations, and identifying customs risks to ensure efficiency and legality in import and export activities.

Career and Leadership:

Dolly Salazar is a key member of the Tax Department at Indacochea & Asociados. With nearly 20 years of experience, she specializes in tax planning, analysis, and the projection of administrative and tax contentious processes arising from audits initiated by the Tax Administration and other public entities.

Recognitions and Client Testimonials:

Professional Endorsements

“Demonstrates high training and knowledge in commercial, tax, and fiscal regulations, and capabilities in defining legal defense strategies based on the analysis of jurisprudence, case scenarios, and success expectations.”

News and Updates

  • “Indacochea & Asociados (IA) establece un acuerdo con CAINCO para potenciar oportunidades de negocios a través de Iconekta.” – Indacochea y Asociados
  • “IA, CADEX e Iconekta unen fuerzas para potenciar la generación de negocios internacionales.” – Indacochea y Asociados
  • “Indacochea & Asociados amplía una vez más sus fronteras para brindar un servicio global a sus clientes.” – Indacochea y Asociados
  • “Confirmando la Excelencia IA: Indacochea & Asociados brilla en el Ranking 2024 de Chambers and Partners.” – Indacochea y Asociados
  • “Proyecto de Ley de Modificación a la Ley N° 843 (Servicios Digitales).” – Indacochea y Asociados
  • “Incentivos tributarios que benefician a los sectores agropecuario, industrial, construcción y minería.” – Indacochea y Asociados
  • “Candys Dorado es la nueva socia de Indacochea & Asociados, Abogados.” – Indacochea y Asociados

Let’s Talk!

Ready to explore how Dolly Salazar can assist with your legal and business needs? Reach out today

Schedule a Meeting: [Link to Schedule a Meeting]

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