Workday Attendance Control

By Ministerial Resolution No. 1443/2023, the Ministry of Labor approves the “Regulation for the Authorization of Working Hours Attendance Control Systems”, which indicates the mandatory nature of the attendance control system, whether manual or electronic, by means of attendance books, biometric access, facial recognition, cards or others that meet the purpose.

In this sense, the attendance control system chosen must be approved by Administrative Resolution by the Departmental and Regional Labor Headquarters of the Ministry of Labor. This Resolution will be in force for as long as the book has useful pages and for the electronic system for three (3) years.

Companies or labor establishments that have the Administrative Resolution in force and subsequently change or modify their equipment, corporate name and/or transfer their facilities must request authorization again.

We emphasize that non-compliance with the provisions established by this Ministerial Resolution will constitute an infraction to the social law and, on the other hand, the Ministry of Labor may request the attendance record when a complaint is filed regarding the effective working hours.